Facilities Data Reporting Institutional Analysis
2010 ACUHO-I Construction and Renovation Survey Findings and Case Studies
Survey findings from the 2010 ACUHO-I Construction and Renovation Survey will be shared with a focus on configuration styles, amenities, and sustainability. Two housing officers or facilities planners from selected institutions will present case studies on new construction and renovation projects on their campuses. Presenters will then respond to participant questions related to their projects. Quantitative data related to construction and project costs, GSF, and number of beds were compiled for renovation and new construction projects completed during the past two years. Data will be shared during the presentation and available via Website. The Construction and Renovation Survey is a biennial effort by ACUHO-I administered by MGT. The survey is completed by chief housing officers at institutions throughout the United States. Data collected provide comparisons used to assist housing officers and facilities directors with planning for housing construction and renovation. This is the 4th survey edition conducted by MGT. Additionally, two case study examples will be included:
Case #1 West Texas A&M University New residence hall construction projects
Case #2 Texas Tech University Renovation of Coleman Hall