Gaining More with Less: Optimizing your High Performance Project Strategy
The session will focus on answering key questions many College's and Universities ask: will LEED cost money, if so how much, what do I gain if I certify, and how do I maximize benefits? This session will guide you through a practical approach to obtaining the most benefit from LEED certification and other high performance building strategies. The session will focus on how to identify your goals, desired results, and potential costs and benefits. Experienced green building professionals will discuss how to prioritize high performance strategies that keep costs low and realize tangible benefits for the Owner. Types and magnitude of realistic cost impacts will be reviewed. Criteria to be presented include owner motivation, project type, occupancy, energy intensity, site, and utility costs. Case studies will be used to illustrate the effectiveness of high performance building evaluation strategies. How emerging green building standards such as ASHRAE 189.1 and the IGCC impact LEED will also be discussed.