2014 Conference Presentations

Please click a link below to view the presentation (.pdf).

Who is Building My Project Metamorphosis of the Construction Workforce

What is a state of the art classroom

Truly Flexible Learning Space Strategies for Evalving Teaching Methods

Transforming a Mall into a College Campus

Transformation of the Classroom for Critical Listening

Transformation A New Building Worthy of Top-Tier Status

The Books are Awright – Revolutionizing Libraries through Off-Site Repositories

Technology-Tell Our Story Using Data

Serving a New Medical District – The Utiility Plant Challenge

Refining a Plan Responding to Change – Texas Tech Master Plan Update

Public-Private Partnerships – Case Study for Student Housing at UT Austin

No Front of Room

Morphing Post Prime Academic Buildings into Digital Collaborative Learning Centers 10.3.14

Metamorphosis – Historic Buildings to Future Ready Facilities

Managing Metamorphosis, Building for Change

Managing Campus Metamorphosis – Facilities Inventory Fluidity

Live Learn Environments – Changing the Student Experience on a Fast Growth Campus

Labs 101 – Maximizing Resources in Design for Science

Island Life – Preparing for Growth on the Gulf Coast

Innovating with Limited Resources at the University of Texas at Austin

How Collaboration and Interaction highly Impact Design

Designing for flexibility in the new university building

Cultivating Change – A Campus’ Story About Innovation and Collaboration

Confronting the Library Paradox from Collections to Connections

Changing Preconstruction Paradigm in Today’s Volatile Market

Campus Master Planning from Design to Implementation

Bull vs Bear Market Budgeting

Acoustics for Academic, Research, Healthcare & Residential Design

A New Healthcare Frontier-A Vision for Nursing and Health Sciences

The Adaptive Re-Use of a Dallas High Rise for a New College of Law

Redevelopment of Kyle Field TCUF 2014

Managing Priorities, Building for Excellence

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